The magnetic field strength along the axis (x'ox) of a solenoid is measured ( o being the center of the solenoid). The adjacent graph represent the length:

(The graph represents the variation of B (mT) as a function of x (cm). The numbers on the y axis are 1 2 3 and on the x axis 10 20. The curve remains constant at 3mT and decreases when it reaches 20cm.)
A) What measuring device was used?
B) why is the value of the current located on the graph? (I=2A)
C) Deduce from the graph an approximate value of the length of the solenoid.
D) what is the number of turns per meter of the solenoid.


A) To measure the magnetic field strength along the axis of a solenoid, the most commonly used device is a Hall effect sensor or a magnetic field probe. These devices can accurately measure the magnetic field in units of milliTesla (mT) or gauss at specific points along the axis of the solenoid.

B) The value of the current, which is given as I=2A, is located on the graph to indicate the relationship between the magnetic field strength and the current passing through the solenoid. In this case, the current is considered constant at 2 Amperes (A) for the measurements taken.

C) To deduce an approximate value of the length of the solenoid from the graph, we look at the point where the magnetic field strength starts to decrease. From the description you provided, it seems that the magnetic field strength remains constant at 3 mT until it reaches 20 cm on the x-axis, after which it starts to decrease. This suggests that the length of the solenoid can be estimated to be around 20 cm.

D) To determine the number of turns per meter of the solenoid, we need to know the rate at which the magnetic field strength changes with respect to the distance from the center of the solenoid. Unfortunately, the graph and the information provided do not give us that information. However, if you have additional data or equations that relate the magnetic field strength and the length of the solenoid, we can further analyze and calculate the number of turns per meter.

A) Based on the information provided, it is not explicitly stated what measuring device was used. However, it can be inferred that a device capable of measuring magnetic field strength (B) in millitesla (mT) was used.

B) The value of the current (I=2A) is located on the graph to provide information about the current flowing through the solenoid. This information is necessary to understand the relationship between the current and the magnetic field strength.

C) To approximate the length of the solenoid, we need to look at the graph. From the graph, we can see that the magnetic field strength remains constant at 3mT until it reaches 20cm on the x-axis. This length represents the half-length of the solenoid. Therefore, the approximate length of the solenoid would be twice this value, which is 40cm.

D) The number of turns per meter of the solenoid cannot be directly determined from the given information. Additional details about the solenoid's structure, such as the total number of turns or the length of the solenoid, would be required to calculate the number of turns per meter.