Which survey question is biased?

“Should the President of the United States serve a six-year term

“Which meal—breakfast, lunch, or dinner—is your favorite meal of the day?”

“During which month do you prefer to go on vacation?”

“Do you prefer white bread or healthy, whole-wheat bread?”

is it b?

It is the last one becasue of the term "healthy" they are trhying to lead you toward whole-wheat.

No, option B is not a biased question. A biased survey question is one that is intentionally designed to elicit a certain response or favor a particular outcome.

Out of the given options, the biased question would be:

"Do you prefer white bread or healthy, whole-wheat bread?" This question is biased because it assumes that white bread is not healthy, whereas whole-wheat bread is considered healthy. It suggests that the respondent should prefer whole-wheat bread due to its supposed health benefits.

Yes, you are correct. The survey question "Do you prefer white bread or healthy, whole-wheat bread?" is biased. The bias arises from the way the question is phrased, as it implies that white bread is not healthy and that whole-wheat bread is the better option. The use of the word "healthy" before whole-wheat bread creates a positive bias towards that option, potentially influencing respondents to choose whole-wheat bread as the preferred choice. To make the question less biased, it could be rephrased to ask, "Which type of bread do you prefer: white or whole-wheat?" without implying any health-related qualities linked to either choice.