English essay help; any ideas?

"In the story "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai, Rakesh, the son, touches his father Varma's feet. What is the significance of this, and how does it change as the story progresses?

I need some help with this one, as when reading, I never really read anything about the feet being a huge symbol.

Touching his father's feet was an act of devotion to his traditionalist father.


Touching the father’s feet signifies both respect and authority for him by the devoted son. This show of respect and authority has been embedded to the son, he stopped touching his father’s feet but he carried with him the authority and respect he felt for his father even after becoming a doctor. The devoted son continuously showed his father the respect and authority and this somehow has taken a toll on their relationship especially when the father was succumb to sickness. He showed his respect and authority to his father by ensuring that he lived as long as the son can provide by giving the father the necessary medications. This displeased the father because he felt the other way around.

This is what I found on the question. I am unable to see what is in the link Ms. Sue shared, but I am sure it is helpful to the people who can see it, as for Ms. Sue is a very wonderful and helpful tutor. Thanks for all the help you have given Ms. Sue! It is greatly appreciated!🙂😀

Analyzing the significance of Rakesh touching his father's feet in the story "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai requires a closer examination of cultural context and character development. While the feet themselves may not be explicitly portrayed as a symbol, the act of touching them holds deeper meanings in Indian culture, such as respect, obedience, and filial piety.

In Indian culture, touching one's elders' feet is a gesture of reverence and submission to authority. It symbolizes acknowledging their wisdom, seeking their blessings, and showing gratitude for their guidance and support throughout life. In the beginning of the story, Rakesh touches his father's feet to display his respect and dutifulness as a devoted son. This action illustrates his adherence to traditional values and his role as a respectful and obedient offspring.

As the story progresses, the significance of Rakesh touching his father's feet undergoes a change. With the passage of time, Rakesh becomes a successful and well-respected doctor, which alters the dynamic between him and his father. His social status and professional achievements give rise to a subtle shift in power dynamics, causing Rakesh to question the traditional roles and expectations placed upon him.

As Rakesh's accomplishments increase, he starts to challenge his father's authority and traditional values. He becomes more influential and tries to assert his independence, leading to a strained relationship with his father. The act of touching his father's feet, which initially represented traditional respect and filial piety, now becomes a symbol of coercion and control by Varma, trying to bind Rakesh to his expectations.

This change in the significance of touching feet is evident when Rakesh hesitates to touch his father's feet in the later part of the story. It signifies his growing defiance against the traditional norms and his desire for autonomy. Rakesh's hesitation reflects his struggle to balance his own aspirations and ambitions with the expectations imposed upon him by his father and society.

In summary, while the feet may not be explicitly portrayed as a symbolic object, the act of touching them in the story "A Devoted Son" holds significant cultural and contextual meaning. It initially represents respect and obedience, highlighting Rakesh's role as a devoted son. However, as the story progresses, the act symbolizes coercion and control, highlighting the changing power dynamics between Rakesh and his father, and Rakesh's struggle to assert his independence and individuality.

When analyzing literature, it's important to consider that symbols and their significance can vary depending on the readers' interpretations. In the case of "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai, the act of touching Varma's feet holds cultural and emotional significance in Indian society. This custom of touching the feet of elders is a sign of respect, humility, and duty towards one's parents.

To understand the significance of this act and how it changes in the story, you can follow these steps:

1. Close Reading: Revisit the text and look for specific descriptions or actions related to touching the feet. Look for cues both in the actions of Rakesh and his father's reactions to the act. Consider the tone and language used to describe these moments.

2. Cultural and Historical Context: Research the cultural and historical background of the story. Understanding Indian customs, traditions, and family dynamics will help you grasp the significance of touching feet better. Exploring the significance of filial piety in Indian culture will be particularly helpful.

3. Character Development: Analyze how Rakesh's relationship with his father and his notions of duty and respect evolve throughout the story. Look for changes in his attitude and behavior towards touching his father's feet. Consider any conflicts between traditional Indian values and modern ideas that might affect Rakesh's perspective.

4. Narrative Arc: Observe the progression of the story's plot and themes, and how it relates to the act of touching feet. Analyze whether the significance of the feet-touching evolves along with the overall development of the story. Consider any pivotal moments or changes in character dynamics that might affect this symbolism.

Remember to include textual evidence and examples from the story to support your analysis. It is also advisable to consult other critical resources such as literary analysis articles or academic papers to gain different perspectives on the symbolism of touching feet in "A Devoted Son."

By following these steps and incorporating your own analysis, you should be able to effectively explore the significance of touching feet in the story and its evolution as the plot progresses.