a plumber charges $25 for service call plus $50 per hour what is the cost 8 hours? What is 10 hours?

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To calculate the cost for 8 hours, we need to add the service call fee of $25 to the hourly rate of $50 multiplied by the number of hours worked.

1. Calculate the fee for 8 hours:
Hourly rate: $50
Number of hours: 8
Hourly cost: $50 * 8 hours = $400

2. Add the service call fee to the hourly cost:
Service call fee: $25
Hourly cost: $400
Total cost for 8 hours: $400 + $25 = $425

Therefore, the cost for 8 hours of service would be $425.

To find the cost for 10 hours, we follow the same steps:

1. Calculate the fee for 10 hours:
Hourly rate: $50
Number of hours: 10
Hourly cost: $50 * 10 hours = $500

2. Add the service call fee to the hourly cost:
Service call fee: $25
Hourly cost: $500
Total cost for 10 hours: $500 + $25 = $525

Therefore, the cost for 10 hours of service would be $525.


cost = 25 + 50 H

now just put in 8 for H
then put in 10 for H