Unethical advertising is one of the challenges of ethical and professional behaviour in the business environment.identify three other issues that affect the ethical and professional behaviour of the business.

That's your assignment. What don't you understand about it?


price -fixing competitors agree to sell their products at the same prices
bribing officials to secure a tender

The farmer uses advanced technology and employeys 10 workers

Yes.I do not know the other three issues that affect the ethical and professional behaviour of business practice

can you please help me. issues that affect ethical and professional behaviour of the business

To identify three other issues that affect the ethical and professional behavior of businesses, we can consider a range of factors. Here are three commonly recognized issues:

1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): CSR refers to a company's responsibility to consider the impact of its actions on society and the environment. Some companies may prioritize profit over social and environmental concerns, leading to unethical behavior such as excessive pollution, exploitation of workers, or disregard for consumer safety.

To identify specific issues related to CSR, you can research news articles, reports, and case studies that expose instances of companies neglecting their social and environmental responsibilities. Additionally, you can examine a company's CSR policies and practices, including their supply chain, labor practices, environmental initiatives, and philanthropic efforts. Evaluating a company's transparency and commitment to addressing societal challenges will help uncover potential ethical concerns.

2. Fraud and Corruption: Fraudulent activities, such as embezzlement, insider trading, or bribery, can significantly impact the ethical standards within a business. These actions undermine trust, both internally among employees and externally with customers or stakeholders. Companies that engage in fraudulent behavior not only violate legal and ethical boundaries but also compromise their reputation and long-term sustainability.

To identify issues related to fraud and corruption, you can review news articles, legal cases, or reports from regulatory bodies that highlight instances of fraudulent behavior. Additionally, examining a company's financial statements, internal controls, whistleblower reports, or internal audit findings can potentially reveal unethical practices.

3. Workplace Discrimination and Harassment: Equality, diversity, and inclusion are critical aspects of ethical and professional behavior in the workplace. Instances of discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, age, religion, or any other protected characteristic contribute to a toxic work environment and compromise the ethical climate of a business.

To identify workplace discrimination and harassment issues, you can analyze reports, surveys, or studies that focus on employee experiences, diverse representation, or corporate culture. Reviewing complaints or legal cases filed against companies can provide insights into potential ethical issues related to discrimination and harassment. Additionally, company policies, training programs, and diversity initiatives can be evaluated to determine if they effectively address and prevent discrimination and harassment.

Remember that analyzing multiple sources of information and maintaining a critical perspective are crucial when identifying ethical and professional issues within the business environment.