Which issue has most contributed to conflicts in Bosnia since the 1990s?

A. The end of communism
B. Ethnic differences
C. Economic hardship
D. Free market competition

reed do you ever give a real awenser? smh.

I think the answer is Ethnic Differences.


That's what Cooper thinks. What do YOU think, based on your class work and assigned reading?

The issue that has most contributed to conflicts in Bosnia since the 1990s is B. Ethnic differences.

To arrive at this answer, we need to carefully consider each option and evaluate its significance in the context of the conflicts in Bosnia since the 1990s.

Option A, the end of communism, is an important historical event that occurred in Yugoslavia (which included Bosnia) during the early 1990s. However, while the transition from communism to democracy and market economy did create some political and economic challenges, it is not the primary issue that has led to conflicts in Bosnia.

Option C, economic hardship, is certainly a factor that can contribute to social tensions and conflicts. Bosnia has faced significant economic challenges since the 1990s, including high unemployment rates and a struggling economy. However, while economic hardship can exacerbate existing conflicts, it is not the central cause of the conflicts in Bosnia.

Option D, free market competition, refers to the economic system where private individuals and businesses freely compete with each other. While the transition to a market-based economy in Bosnia did create economic challenges, it is not the underlying cause of the conflicts.

Given the complex history of Bosnia since the 1990s, it is clear that ethnic differences (Option B) have been the key factor contributing to conflicts. The breakup of Yugoslavia and the ensuing war in Bosnia were driven by deep ethnic divisions, primarily between the Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Croats, and Serbs. These divisions were fueled by long-standing historical and cultural differences, as well as political and territorial disputes. The conflicts in Bosnia were marked by ethnic cleansing, genocide, and widespread violence, making it evident that ethnic differences are at the core of the conflicts.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Ethnic differences.