I am driving 65 miles per hour. I must drive 520 miles total. I have already driven 195 miles, how long will it take me to reach my destination. Use this equation to represent the number of hours to reach my destination? 65h + 195 = 520.

A.2 hours
B.5 hours
C.15 hours
D.22 hours


He's correct


To find the number of hours it will take to reach your destination, you need to solve the equation 65h + 195 = 520 for h.

First, you can isolate the variable h by subtracting 195 from both sides of the equation:
65h + 195 - 195 = 520 - 195
65h = 325

Then, you can solve for h by dividing both sides of the equation by 65:
65h/65 = 325/65
h = 5

Therefore, the answer is B. It will take you 5 hours to reach your destination.

What answer did you get?