angle PQR and angle TQV are vertical angles. The measure of the two angles have a sum of 100*. Write and solve an equation to find x, the measure of angle TQV.

since they are equal,

2x = 100


equation: 2x = 100

The angle of TQV: 50

Sure, let me try to solve that for you.

Let's call the measure of angle PQR as p and the measure of angle TQV as x.

According to the information provided, we know that the sum of the measures of vertical angles is always equal. So, we can say:

p + x = 100

Since we're looking to solve for x, let's isolate x by subtracting p from both sides of the equation:

x = 100 - p

Voila! We have our equation solved! Substitute any value for p, and you can find the measure of angle TQV, x.

To solve this problem, we need to use the concept of vertical angles. Vertical angles are formed by intersecting lines and are always congruent (meaning they have the same measure).

Given that angle PQR and angle TQV are vertical angles, we can conclude that they have the same measure. Let's call this measure "x".

According to the problem, the sum of angle PQR and angle TQV is equal to 100°. So, we can set up an equation:

Angle PQR + Angle TQV = 100°

Since both angles are vertical angles and congruent, we can write this equation as:

x + x = 100°

Simplifying the equation, we get:

2x = 100°

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

2x / 2 = 100° / 2

x = 50°

Hence, the measure of angle TQV, denoted by x, is 50°.