Four friends went out to dinner.The total bill was 97.38 one of your friends has a coupon for 35 percent off and the group left a 18precent tip

if each person payed the same amount how much did each person pay?

(0.65 * 97.38 * 1.18) / 4 = $_______ each

Assuming they paid the tip on the price after discount, then each paid

-------------------- = $18.67

Final bill = $97.38(.65)(1.18) = $74.69

share of each friend = 74.69/4 = $18.67

To find out how much each person paid, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the discount amount using the coupon. The coupon is for 35% off the total bill, which means the discount is 35% of 97.38:
Discount = 35% * 97.38

2. Calculate the tip amount. The group left an 18% tip, which is 18% of the total bill:
Tip = 18% * 97.38

3. Subtract the discount and tip from the total bill to get the amount each person needs to pay:
Amount each person pays = Total bill - Discount - Tip

Let's perform the calculations:

1. Discount = 35% * 97.38
Discount = 0.35 * 97.38
Discount = 34.1245

2. Tip = 18% * 97.38
Tip = 0.18 * 97.38
Tip = 17.5284

3. Amount each person pays = 97.38 - 34.1245 - 17.5284
Amount each person pays = 45.7271

Therefore, each person paid approximately $45.73.