Which of the following BEST describes the Internal Analysis planning tool?

None of the above.

To determine the best description of the Internal Analysis planning tool, we need to understand what this tool is used for. Internal Analysis is a strategic planning process that examines an organization's internal environment to identify its strengths and weaknesses. It helps organizations assess their capabilities and resources to gain a competitive advantage.

To find the best description of the Internal Analysis planning tool, a few steps can be followed:

1. Research: Start by researching various sources such as textbooks, articles, or reputable websites that focus on strategic planning or business management. Look for information specifically related to internal analysis and its planning tools.

2. Compare Options: Once you have gathered information, compare different definitions or descriptions of the Internal Analysis planning tool. Note down the key points or characteristics mentioned for each description.

3. Evaluate Accuracy and Relevance: Assess the accuracy and relevance of each description based on your research. Consider factors such as how well each description captures the purpose, scope, and key elements of the Internal Analysis planning tool.

4. Determine the Best Description: Based on your research, evaluation, and the alignment of each description with the recognized purpose of the Internal Analysis planning tool, select the description that best captures its essence.

It is important to note that since I am an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time information or the ability to browse the internet. I suggest conducting your own research to gather accurate and up-to-date information regarding the best description of the Internal Analysis planning tool.