A child's. Dose for cefadroxil is 30mg/kg body weight once a day for 14 days.what is the smallest bottle that will provide. Enough medication to last 14 days. If child weighs 44 lbs.

100ml bottle of 500mg/5ml

To find the smallest bottle size that will provide enough medication to last 14 days for a child weighing 44 lbs, we need to convert the weight to kilograms and calculate the total dose needed for 14 days.

Step 1: Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms.
1 lb is approximately 0.4536 kg.
So, 44 lbs is equal to 44 × 0.4536 = 19.9584 kg (rounding to 19.96 kg).

Step 2: Calculate the total dose needed for 14 days.
The child's dose is 30 mg/kg, and the child weighs 19.96 kg.
Total dose needed = 30 mg/kg × 19.96 kg = 598.8 mg.

Step 3: Determine the smallest bottle size.
Since the dose is once a day for 14 days, we need to calculate the total medication needed for 14 days.
Total medication needed = 598.8 mg × 14 days = 8383.2 mg (rounding to 8384 mg).

Now, to find the smallest bottle size, we need to consider the available strengths of the medication. Suppose the available strengths of cefadroxil are 250 mg/5 mL and 500 mg/5 mL.

For a 250 mg/5 mL bottle:
The concentration of medication is 250 mg in 5 mL.
To find the total volume needed, divide the total medication needed by the concentration:
Total volume needed = 8384 mg ÷ 250 mg × 5 mL = 167.68 mL (rounding to 168 mL).

For a 500 mg/5 mL bottle:
The concentration of medication is 500 mg in 5 mL.
To find the total volume needed, divide the total medication needed by the concentration:
Total volume needed = 8384 mg ÷ 500 mg × 5 mL = 83.84 mL (rounding to 84 mL).

Therefore, the smallest bottle size that will provide enough medication to last 14 days for a child weighing 44 lbs is either a 168 mL bottle of 250 mg/5 mL cefadroxil or an 84 mL bottle of 500 mg/5 mL cefadroxil, depending on the available strengths of the medication.

44lb * 1kg/2.2lb * 14day * 30mg/(kg-day) = 8400mg