According to Kepler's law of harmonies, which of these planets takes the longest to orbit the Sun?


Ah - there is no need to enter questions twice. If a physicist stumbles by it will get answered anyway.

To determine which of these planets takes the longest to orbit the Sun according to Kepler's law of harmonies, we need to compare their orbital period.

Kepler's law of harmonies states that the square of a planet's orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of its average distance from the Sun. This means that planets that are farther from the Sun take longer to complete an orbit.

The average distance from the Sun for each planet you mentioned, from closest to farthest, is:

- Venus
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Neptune

Now, let's look at the orbital periods for these planets:

- Venus: 225 Earth days
- Mars: 687 Earth days
- Jupiter: 4,332 Earth days (approximately 11.9 Earth years)
- Neptune: 60,190 Earth days (approximately 164.8 Earth years)

Based on these orbital periods, we can see that Neptune takes the longest to orbit the Sun among the listed planets.