The local weather forecaster reports that the current barometric pressure is 29.5 inches of mercury. What is the current pressure in atmospheres?

9.99 atm
3.93 atm
0.986 atm
883 atm
1.00 atm

29.5in = 29.5in(25.4mm/in)(0.001316Atm/mm) = 0.986 Atm

To convert from inches of mercury to atmospheres, you can use the conversion factor of 1 atm = 29.92 inches of mercury.

Step 1: Convert inches of mercury to atmospheres.
29.5 inches / 29.92 inches = 0.986 atm

Therefore, the current pressure in atmospheres is 0.986 atm.

To calculate the current barometric pressure in atmospheres, you need to convert the given pressure from inches of mercury to atmospheres.

The conversion factor is 1 atm = 29.92 inches of mercury.

Thus, you can calculate the pressure in atmospheres by dividing the given pressure in inches of mercury by the conversion factor.

Let's calculate:
29.5 inches of mercury / 29.92 inches of mercury = 0.986 atm

Therefore, the current pressure in atmospheres is 0.986 atm.