Video Villa rents classic video games for $2.50 for 5 days. New games rent for $3.50 for 5 days. If Rob rents c classic games and n new games, what is his cost per day, in dollars, for renting the games for 5 days?

Select one:
a. 0.50c+0.70n
b. 0.50c+0.75n
c. 0.25c+0.35n
d. 0.75c+1.00n


2.50 /5 = 0.5
3.50/ 5 = 0.7
thus 0.50c +0.70n = cost per day

To find Rob's cost per day for renting the games for 5 days, we need to calculate the total cost of renting the classic games and the new games separately, and then divide it by 5.

The total cost of renting c classic games for 5 days is $2.50 times c, which is 2.50c.
The total cost of renting n new games for 5 days is $3.50 times n, which is 3.50n.

To get the cost per day, we divide the total cost by 5 (the number of days):
Cost per day = (2.50c + 3.50n) / 5

Simplifying this expression, we get:
Cost per day = 0.50c + 0.70n

So, the correct answer is option:
a. 0.50c + 0.70n