Identify the Protist and explain why you think it is what you said.

We took dead leaves from outside, put them in boiling water then looked at them a week later. Link to image below!

LINK: postimg. org/image/gu1201se9/

Ive attempted to look everywhere but i can't find a math please any incites?

Try reading carefully the following link:

I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I am unable to access external links or view images. However, I can still explain the process of identifying a protist based on the information you provided.

When examining dead leaves using boiling water and observing them after a week, it is important to note that protists are microscopic organisms, typically found in water or moist environments. They can be single-celled or multicellular, and they exhibit diverse characteristics and behaviors.

To identify the protist, follow these steps:

1. Obtain a microscope: The first step would be to have access to a microscope, preferably a compound microscope, with different magnification levels to observe the sample closely.

2. Prepare a slide: Using a dropper or any suitable method, transfer a small sample of the water with the debris from the boiled leaves onto a microscope slide.

3. Observe the sample: Place the slide under the microscope and start examining the sample. Begin with the lowest magnification and then increase the magnification progressively to observe more details.

4. Look for protist characteristics: Pay attention to the various characteristics of protists, such as their shape, size, movement (if present), and any other unique features. Protists can have diverse shapes, including amoeboid, ciliate, flagellate, or others.

5. Consult a reference guide: You may find it helpful to consult a protist identification resource, such as a protist database or a field guide, to compare the observed characteristics with known protist species.

Based on the image you provided through the link, unfortunately, I cannot offer any insights. However, following the suggested steps and examining the sample under a microscope will greatly increase your chances of identifying any protists present.