
Solve this equation by expressing both sides as powers of 3.

To solve the equation 81^3(x+1) = 9^2(x-1), we can rewrite both sides of the equation as powers of 3.

Let's start by expressing 81^3 and 9^2 as powers of 3:

81^3 = (3^4)^3 = 3^(4*3) = 3^12
9^2 = (3^2)^2 = 3^(2*2) = 3^4

Now we can substitute these expressions back into the equation:

3^12(x+1) = 3^4(x-1)

Since the bases (3) are the same on both sides, we can equate the exponents:

12(x+1) = 4(x-1)

Distribute the multiplications:

12x + 12 = 4x - 4

Now let's isolate the variable (x).

Subtract 4x from both sides:

12x - 4x + 12 = -4

Combine like terms:

8x + 12 = -4

Subtract 12 from both sides:

8x = -4 - 12


8x = -16

Finally, divide by 8 to solve for x:

x = -16/8

Simplify further:

x = -2

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = -2.