How can you tell if two fraction are not equivalent using fraction strip

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How can you tell if two fraction are equivalent by using the fraction strips

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To tell whether two fractions are not equivalent using fraction strips, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw or visualize fraction strips for both fractions side by side. Fraction strips are rectangles divided into equal parts to represent fractions.

2. Compare the lengths of the shaded parts on the fraction strips for both fractions.

3. If the lengths of the shaded parts are different or not in the same position on the fraction strips, then the two fractions are not equivalent.

Let's consider an example:

Suppose you have the fractions 2/3 and 4/5 and you want to determine if they are equivalent.

First, draw a fraction strip for 2/3 and shade two out of the three equal parts.


Next, draw a fraction strip for 4/5 and shade four out of the five equal parts.


By comparing the lengths of the shaded parts, you can see that they are different. The shaded part for 2/3 covers two out of the three parts, while the shaded part for 4/5 covers four out of the five parts. Therefore, the fractions 2/3 and 4/5 are not equivalent.