how did immigration change during the period between the civil war and the early 1900's?

It changed because Confederates were having a huge migration at this time. Many people were confused as to what they should do so they came to America.

During the period between the Civil War and the early 1900s, there were several significant changes in immigration patterns in the United States. To understand these changes, we can follow these steps to explore the topic further:

1. **Research the general background**: Begin by researching the historical context of the United States during this time period. Understand the effects of the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the industrialization process. This will provide a foundation for understanding the changes in immigration.

2. **Examine immigration policies and laws**: Look into the immigration laws and policies implemented during this period. Analyze their impact on immigration trends and patterns. For example, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 severely limited Chinese immigration, while the Immigration Act of 1891 introduced the first federal immigration bureaucracy.

3. **Investigate push and pull factors**: Identify the push and pull factors that influenced immigration during this period. Push factors are the reasons people left their home countries, such as political unrest, religious persecution, or economic hardship. Pull factors are the attractions or opportunities in the United States, such as industrial jobs or available land.

4. **Study specific immigrant groups**: Research the different immigrant groups that arrived during this period and their reasons for coming to the United States. For example, the "old immigration" from Western and Northern Europe declined, while the "new immigration" from Southern and Eastern Europe increased.

5. **Analyze economic factors**: Investigate the economic changes happening in the United States during this time. Understand how industrialization and the growth of cities created a demand for labor, making the United States an attractive destination for immigrants seeking better economic opportunities.

6. **Consider demographic changes**: Explore the demographic changes resulting from immigration during this period. Examine the impact of these changes on the economy, labor force, and social structure of the United States.

By following these steps and conducting further research, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how immigration changed between the Civil War and the early 1900s.