lighthouse x has a radius of 18 mi

lighthouse z has a radius of 28 mi
lighthouse z lights up how much more area than lighthouse x? round answer to the nearest tenth.

ummmhh, find the area of each circle, then subtract the smaller from the larger.

area of lighthouse x = 1017.36 mi^2

area of lighthouse z = 2461.76 mi^2
2461.76 - 1017.36 = 1444.4
lighthouse z lights up 1444.4 more area than lighthouse x?


To find how much more area Lighthouse Z lights up compared to Lighthouse X, we need to calculate the difference in their areas.

The area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr^2, where A represents the area and r represents the radius.

For Lighthouse X:
Radius (x) = 18 miles
Area (AX) = π(18^2) = 324π square miles

For Lighthouse Z:
Radius (z) = 28 miles
Area (AZ) = π(28^2) = 784π square miles

To find the difference in the areas, we subtract the area of Lighthouse X (AX) from the area of Lighthouse Z (AZ):

Difference = AZ - AX
Difference = (784π) - (324π)
Difference = 460π

To round the answer to the nearest tenth, we can substitute the value of π with approximately 3.14:

Difference ≈ 460 * 3.14
Difference ≈ 1444.4 square miles

Therefore, Lighthouse Z lights up approximately 1444.4 square miles more area than Lighthouse X.