Of 120 owners of reptiles surveyed, 27 own snakes as pets. What percent of the reptile owners own snakes as pets?

plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

100 (27/120) = 22.5%

uwu baddie queen girl

Of 120 owners of reptiles surveyed, 27 own snakes as pets. What percent of the reptile owners own snakes as


To find the percentage of reptile owners who own snakes as pets, you need to divide the number of reptile owners who own snakes by the total number of reptile owners surveyed and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Identify the given information:
- Total number of reptile owners surveyed: 120
- Number of reptile owners who own snakes: 27

Step 2: Calculate the percentage:
- Divide the number of reptile owners who own snakes by the total number of reptile owners surveyed: 27 / 120 = 0.225
- Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage: 0.225 * 100 = 22.5%

So, 22.5% of the reptile owners surveyed own snakes as pets.


100 (27/100) = _______%