Which of the following is a likely cause of the shape of the population graph of Mexico?

(1) Mexico has adopted China's "one family-one child" program.
(2) About 60 percent of Mexico's industrial workers live in or near Mexico City.
(3) Much of the land in northern Mexico is too dry for farming.
(4) Medical and health limitations may have affected life expectancy in Mexico.
(5) Unemployment has resulted in an inadequate tax base in Mexico.
I believe the answer is 5 is this correct ?

What does a tax base have to do with the population graph?

its answer 4?!

Yes, 4.

To determine the likely cause of the shape of the population graph of Mexico, let's analyze each of the given options:

(1) Mexico has adopted China's "one family-one child" program:
This option suggests that Mexico implemented a policy similar to China's one-child policy. However, no such program has been adopted in Mexico. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the cause.

(2) About 60 percent of Mexico's industrial workers live in or near Mexico City:
This option suggests that a significant portion of Mexico's industrial workers reside in or near Mexico City. While this may impact population distribution, it does not directly explain the shape of the population graph. Thus, this option is not the primary cause of the population graph's shape.

(3) Much of the land in northern Mexico is too dry for farming:
This option suggests that the arid conditions in northern Mexico limit farming opportunities. While this may affect population movement and distribution, it does not explain the shape of the population graph. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the main cause.

(4) Medical and health limitations may have affected life expectancy in Mexico:
This option suggests that medical and health limitations in Mexico may have led to fluctuations in life expectancy, potentially affecting population growth and mortality rates. This is a valid possibility and could contribute to the shape of the population graph. However, it is not the primary cause.

(5) Unemployment has resulted in an inadequate tax base in Mexico:
This option suggests that high unemployment rates have led to an insufficient tax base in Mexico. While unemployment can impact population dynamics, it is not directly linked to the shape of the population graph. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the primary cause.

Based on the analysis, the most likely cause of the shape of the population graph of Mexico is (4) Medical and health limitations may have affected life expectancy in Mexico. Although other factors may have some influence, health limitations can significantly impact population dynamics and shape the graph.