4. Alice plays basketball. In one game she shoots 21 free throws and makes 81.25% of them. Estimate how many free throws she makes.

a. about 16
b. about 2
c. about 20
d. about 14


So A is right

21 * .8125 = 17.0625


Well, let's do some mathemagical calculations! 81.25% of 21 is approximately 17. So, it looks like the closest answer choice will be "about 16" (option A). Ah, the joys of estimating! Keep shooting, Alice!

To estimate how many free throws Alice makes, you can use the given shooting percentage of 81.25%.

Step 1: Multiply the shooting percentage by the total number of free throws attempted:
81.25% * 21 = 0.8125 * 21 = 17.0625

Step 2: Round the result to the nearest whole number to estimate the number of made free throws:
17.0625 ≈ 17

Therefore, the estimated number of free throws she makes is about 17. None of the given options match the estimate, so none of them are correct.

To estimate how many free throws Alice makes, we need to calculate 81.25% of 21.

To do this, we can multiply 21 by 81.25%:

21 * 81.25% = 21 * 0.8125

Multiplying, we get:


Rounding this to the nearest whole number, we estimate that Alice makes about 17 free throws.

Since none of the answer choices are close to 17, it seems that none of them are correct. It's possible that there was an error in the question or the answer choices were not provided accurately.