Create an image with a Spanish language teaching theme, including elements like a Spanish-English dictionary, an open notebook with a pen, post-it notes with Spanish vocabulary, and headphones for language learning audio. In addition, depict a visually abstract representation of university campus life involving technology, perhaps through elements of microchips, circuit designs, or a laptop. Also, include symbolic representations of Hispanic and Latino culture, such as a flag or traditional patterns. Lastly, an abstract hint to Alvarez's atomic bomb achievement could be subtly incorporated in the form of a mushroom cloud in a science textbook or a spark of explosion. Make sure there is no text in the image.

1. Saber o conocer?

Ellos _______ a Silvia.
A) conozco
B) sabemos
C) sabe
D) conocen ***

3. El correo electrónico _______ para enviar información rápidamente.
A) sirve ***
B) sirvo
C) servimos
D) sirves

4. What role do Hispanic organizations play on the campuses of the technology universities mentioned in the lesson?
A) They provide support to Hispanic and Latino students on campus. ***
B) They offer housing to Hispanic and Latino students on campus.
C) They offer separate classes to Hispanic and Latino students on campus.
D) They provide English classes for Hispanic and Latino students on campus

5. What achievement did Álvarez accomplish with his son?
A) He developed a method to detonate the atomic bomb. ***
B) He founded a technological university in Hawaii.
C) He published an article on subatomic particles.
D) He developed a theory on the extinction of dinosaurs.


DfFor this test I did it last week got these answers %100 correct promise

1. D

2. C
3. A
4. A
5. D

Hey Y'all, just took the Quick Check, it is in fact:

1.) D
2.) C
3.) A
4.) A
5.) D

Thank you y'all!

1. is correct

3. is correct
4. is correct
5. is wrong/ it is d

These are right, and 2. is C


Is 100% Correct for Spanish 1 B Unit 10 Lesson 2

Thank you so much!! I hate Spanish and suck at it so thanks so much I got 100% :)))

100% d c a a d Thanks Guys

answers are still dcaadc

Thanks guys!