Thank you for your answers.

Please help me with one more question.
Is it "behind" or "behind me" in the context "I heard steps behind / behind me"? Maybe, both?
Thanks a lot

I think it's behind me but it could be both I'm not sure.

Both are correct. "Chubbykins" is right that "behind me" is better.

You're welcome! In the context of "I heard steps behind / behind me," both "behind" and "behind me" are grammatically correct and convey slightly different meanings.

If you say "I heard steps behind," it suggests that you heard footsteps coming from a location behind you, but it does not necessarily imply that the footsteps were directed towards you or that you were the target of those steps. It simply means the sound was originating from a position situated at the rear.

On the other hand, if you say "I heard steps behind me," it indicates that you heard footsteps coming from a location specifically behind you, implying that you were aware of the sound because it was directed towards you. This phrasing indicates that you were the target or focus of the footsteps.

So, whether you use "behind" or "behind me" depends on the level of clarity and specificity you want to convey in the context of the sentence.