Which of the following statements most accurately describes an economy in which banks are not making loans?

Cities no longer have uncontrolled growth and communities are better off financially.

Individuals can no longer buy new homes, but the economy is unchanged on the whole.

Businesses are less able to grow and expand and the economy slows down. *

State and local governments would fail and all business payrolls would be frozen immediately.

Several counties in Georgia and Florida are devastated by a terrible flood. Funds to help the areas recover will most likely come from

State property taxes *

Federal income taxes

Funds for farm subsidies

County tobacco sales taxes

A city council decides that if a business changes its buildings or signs, it must follow new building codes. If a sign is upgraded, the business must pay for and pass a full building inspection to be sure all new building codes are followed. Which answer best summarizes the effect this policy will have on competition?

Because it applies equally to all businesses, it will have little effect on competition.

The new policy will affect new business only and make them less competitive overall.

Because it improves the look of the community, it increases competition among local businesses. *

The new policy will unfairly punish existing businesses and make them less competitive overall.


I have more so if you are willing to help me with them it would be very much appreciated, thank you.

someone needs to answer the question because "butt" is not an answer and the first response is not valid because it is multiple choice not a yes, no question

Of course, I'm here to help! Please continue with your questions, and I'll do my best to provide explanations for each answer choice.

Which of the following programs would most likely encourage new businesses to open in a community?

State laws that protect the environment

Local laws that reduce taxes and regulations *

Federal laws that protect consumer rights

State funding for public schools

Explanation: In order to encourage new businesses to open in a community, one effective approach is to create an environment that is conducive to entrepreneurship and growth. This includes reducing taxes and regulations at the local level, as it will lower the barriers for businesses to enter and operate in the community.

A country's central bank decides to decrease interest rates. What effect might this have on the economy?

Increase borrowing and spending by consumers and businesses *

Decrease inflation and increase unemployment

Stimulate exports and reduce imports

Decrease government spending and increase taxes

Explanation: When a central bank decreases interest rates, it becomes cheaper for consumers and businesses to borrow money. This, in turn, can lead to increased borrowing and spending, as people take advantage of the lower rates. This increased economic activity can stimulate the overall economy.

What would happen to the price of gasoline if the supply decreases while the demand remains constant?

The price of gasoline would increase *

The price of gasoline would decrease

The price of gasoline would stay the same

The price of gasoline could increase or decrease, depending on other factors

Explanation: When the supply of a product decreases while the demand remains constant, it creates a situation of scarcity. In this case, the price of gasoline would increase as consumers compete for the limited supply. The decrease in supply would drive up the price of gasoline.

I hope these explanations help clarify the answers for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

I’m doing this quiz right now. I’m in between state and federal

1. yes

2. no
3. yes