How come a lot of the questions posted in here don't get answered?

usually because no one among the tutors has the particular expertise needed at the time.

Also, sometimes someone comes in and just dumps a lot of homework questions with no indication they plan to do any work on their own.

And some questions are so garbled or silly they cannot be deciphered, or do not deserve an answer.

There could be several reasons why certain questions posted in this platform don't get answered:

1. Lack of clarity: Sometimes, questions may not be clear or specific enough. If the question is ambiguous or difficult to understand, it becomes challenging to provide a helpful response. It is important to ask questions in a clear and concise manner, providing necessary details.

2. Complexity: Some questions may be too complex or require specialized knowledge that the community or experts may not possess. In such cases, it becomes difficult to provide a satisfactory answer. Users should consider breaking down complex questions into smaller, more manageable parts to increase the chances of getting a response.

3. Lack of expertise: If a question requires expertise in a particular subject, it may not receive an answer if there are no individuals with that specific knowledge available at the time. It can be helpful to add relevant tags or titles to your question to attract users with the appropriate expertise.

4. Timing: The timing of posting a question can also impact the likelihood of receiving an answer. If a question is posted during a period of low activity, there may be fewer users available to respond. Considering the timezone and active hours of the platform can increase the chances of getting a quicker response.

To maximize the chances of getting your question answered, it is essential to present a clear and specific question, provide relevant details and context, assess the complexity, and ensure it is being posted during a period of high user activity. Remember, being patient and persistent can also be helpful in getting your question addressed.