“One day, as I scanned the sandy expanse of Northern Africa, I couldn’t find any of the familiar landmarks—colorful outcroppings of rocks in Chad, irrigated patches of the Sahara. Then I realized they were obscured by a huge dust storm, a cloud of sand that enveloped the continent from Morocco to the Sudan.”

This quote from “Single Room, Earth View” suggest what kind of tone?
A. awe
B. boredom
C. isolation
D. sorrow



ok so its A Ms. Sue?

I think A is the best answer, yes, but I'm not Ms. Sue. :)

Yes, A.

Thank you so much Ms. Sue and Reed :D

You're welcome.

To determine the tone of a text, it is important to look at the language, imagery, and context of the quote. In this case, the quote suggests a sense of awe. The author uses vivid imagery, such as "sandy expanse," "colorful outcroppings of rocks," and "enveloped the continent," to describe the scene of a huge dust storm obscuring the familiar landmarks. The use of words like "huge" and "enveloped" conveys a sense of grandness and astonishment. Therefore, the correct answer is A. awe.