I have to respond to a DBQ on the Independent Revolution.

The question is:
To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

My main points are:
1)The end of the French and Indian War in 1763 (led the colonists to rely less on Britain)
2)The disregarded Proclamation of 1763
3)The colonists revolting against all the taxes put upon them after a century of salutary neglect (both 2 and 3 reveal the colonists working together somewhat)
4)The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 (first attempt to unite the colonist)
5)The nonimportation agreements that led to the repealing of the Stamp Act
6)The Association creation The 1st Cont. Congress drew up (boycott Brit. goods)
7) The victory of the Revolution in 1781
8) Declaration of Independence

Do I need better points or to omit some of these points? Thank you for helping.

It depends on what your documents are.

Ben Franklin's join or die

The colonists saying they rather die free than live as slaves

The Continental Congress deciding to take up arms with the British

The colonists' contributions to Boston Mass. after the Boston Harbor Intolerable Act

A letter from an American farmer wanting to cut ties with the British

These are the documents I'm going to use but book information is required as well. I don't know if I have too little or much information and whether the main points I have will suffice or are too insignificant.

Your main points give a good overview of the important events and actions that demonstrate the development of a sense of identity and unity among the American colonists. However, it is always a good idea to evaluate and refine your points to ensure they support your thesis effectively. Here are a few suggestions:

1) The end of the French and Indian War in 1763: This event is a significant starting point as it created a power vacuum in the American colonies, leading to increased self-reliance and a shift in dynamics with Britain. It may be helpful to further explain the specific impacts and how they contributed to a sense of American identity.

2) The disregarded Proclamation of 1763: This is a good point to include as it illustrates the tension between the colonists and the British government, highlighting the colonists' growing desire for self-determination.

3) The colonists revolting against taxes after a century of salutary neglect: This is another strong point as it demonstrates how the colonists united against the financial burden imposed by Britain. Consider elaborating on some specific examples of taxation acts and how they spurred collective resistance.

4) The Stamp Act Congress of 1765: This is an important event to include as it was the first formal collective action taken by the colonists. It may be beneficial to describe the significance of this congress in terms of organizing and unifying the various colonies.

5) The nonimportation agreements leading to the repeal of the Stamp Act: This point highlights the effectiveness of collective action in achieving a common goal. You could consider providing more details about how these agreements were organized and enforced.

6) The creation of the Association by the First Continental Congress: Mentioning this group shows the continuation of organized resistance and the development of a political framework for American unity. Provide some examples of the Association's actions and their impact.

7) The victory of the Revolution in 1781 and the Declaration of Independence: These are significant events that solidify the development of American identity and unity. Make sure to explain how both the military victory and the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonists' shared goals and aspirations.

It's important to keep in mind that you should analyze and integrate evidence from primary and secondary sources in support of each point. Additionally, be prepared to address potential counterarguments or alternative viewpoints to strengthen your argument. Good luck with your DBQ response!