Cu2+ + 2e- -> Cu Oxidation reaction

Cu -> Cu2+ + 2e Reduction Reaction

Do I have these right, or are they backwards?


The first one is ADDING electrons.
The second one is LOSING electrons.

Acronym ...

O = Oxidation
I = is
L = Loss (of electrons) A => A^+ + e^-

R = Reduction
I = is
G = Gain (of electrons) B + e^- => B^-

Another one is LEO the lion goes Grr.

LEO is loss electrons oxidation

The oxidation and reduction reactions are indeed reversed in your statement. The correct reactions are as follows:

Cu -> Cu2+ + 2e Oxidation Reaction
Cu2+ + 2e- -> Cu Reduction Reaction

To determine if a reaction is an oxidation or reduction, we look at the movement of electrons. In an oxidation reaction, electrons are lost, while in a reduction reaction, electrons are gained. In the given reactions, copper (Cu) loses electrons to form copper ions (Cu2+), which means the first reaction is an oxidation reaction. Conversely, copper ions (Cu2+) gain electrons to form copper (Cu), indicating that the second reaction is a reduction reaction.