The order of events and ages of rocks by examining positions is *relative dating*.

Gaps in rock layers are called *unconformities*.

What uses properties of atoms to find ages of rocks? *Absolute Dating*.

A life form in Precambrian Time was *Cyanobacteria*.

What signaled the end of the Paleozoic Era? *The Permian-Triassic Extinction. AKA “Great Dieing”*

Trilobites are index fossils because they *change slowly throughout time*.

Pangaea separated into *seven* continents.

Animal life in the Cenozoic Era includes the *extinction of many large mammal groups*
When species adapt to a changing environment, they are evolving.
Define evolution. *The development of a living organism.*

The Appalachian mountains formed during the *Paleozoic Era.*

Humans first appeared during the *Cenozoic Era.*

The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are located *on the mid-ocean ridge.*

Plates of the lithosphere float on the* asthenosphere.*

What supports the hypothesis of continental drift?* Matching coastlines of continents. Also, evidence from fossils.*

Plates move apart at *divergent boundaries.*

Plates slide past one another at *transform boundaries.*

What is a boundary between 2 plates called? *Divergent, Convergent, and transform are the three types of boundarys between two plates. *

What type of currents drive plate motion? *Convection currents*

What causes hot rock to rise to earth’s surface? *Volcanic eruption*

What is a divergent boundary? *Two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.*

Define earthquakes*. A sudden shaking of the ground.*

What is a fault? *A crack in the earth’s crust.*

Define shearing force.* A strain that exists when an objects layers oppose.*

What are normal faults?* When two rocks are pulled apart by tension.*

What are reverse faults?* When two rocks are pulled together by compression.*

What are the most destructive seismic waves?* Surface waves*

*Primary waves*are first to reach a seismograph.

Where is the focus of an earthquake?* Where the rock starts to fracture.*

Define igneous rocks.* A rock made up of the solidification of magma/lava.*

What does metamorphic mean? *A rock that has changed its form by heat or pressure.*

Rocks are classified by how they are* formed*
Fossil fuels include* Petrolium, natural gas, and coal.*

What are contour lines?* A line joining equal elevation levels.*

To find exact location on a map, *we use latitude and longitude lines.*

What are latitude lines? *An angle on a map that can go from 0° to 90°.*

What are longitude lines?* A measurement of the east or west from the prime meridan.*

New York time is *3 hours later* than Los Angeles time. If it is 9am in LA, it is* noon* in NY.

Each time zone is separated by *1 hour*.

What is a solar eclipse?* When the sun is obsecured because of the moon.*

Seasons happen due to *earths orbit around the sun*
Asteroids come from *broken comets*
What are meteors?* Dust sized pieces of rock that speed up to hundreds of kilimeters per second.*

Describe Jupiter.* Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It’s composed of mostly hydrogen and helium. It’s most notable feature is the Great Red spot.*

How was the sun formed? * It is widely believed that the sun was formed from a big cloud of dust and gas.*

What planet has water in all three forms? *Earth.*

We once believed all planets and the sun revolve around *Earth.*

Gas, ice and dust formed the *Solar System.*

What is the first planet from the sun?* Mercury*

What is the third planet from the sun?* Earth*

What is the order of the inner planets?* Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars*

Constellations appear to change because Earth revolves around the sun.
What is parallax? *When the position of an object appears to be different from a different point of view.*

The hottest stars are* Blue *in color.

What is a giant star?* A star with a larger radius and brightness.*
What are prominences?* Standing out from something*

Describe an elliptical galaxy. *An Elliptical galxy is full of older stars that don't shine as bright as other galaxys.*

Describe the Milky Way galaxy. *The milky way contains more than 200,000 stars. It has enough gas and dust to make many many more.*

What supports the Big Bang Theory? *One pice of evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory is the fact that the universe is expanding, which has been proven with the Red Shift.*

What is a black hole in space?* A black hole in space is where the gravitational pull is so strong that light cannot get out.*

What are sunspots? * A patch on the suns surface appearing dark in contrast to the rest of the sun.*

Describe a galaxy.* A system of stars, gas, dust, dark matter, etc..*

What is absolute magnitude? * The brightness of a celestial object.*

What is apparent magnitude? * The brightness of an object measured from Earth.*

What forms in the core of the sun?* Heluim*

Is our sun a part of a binary star system?* No*

What is a binary system?* Two objects in space that are close enough for their gravity will cause them to orbit around a mass.*

What is the Big Bang Theory? *A theory about how the universe began. The theory suggests that the universe expanded from a very dense state and continues expanding to this day.*

Refracting telescopes contain *objective * lenses.

Optical telescopes include *Reflecting and Refracting* telescopes.

What happened in Project Mercury?* Projects Mercury is the program by NASA that put the first Americans in space.*

What are radio telescopes? *Something used to detect radio signals from the sky.*

Who was Neil Armstrong? *The first man on the moon (but Neil A. is alien backward so what if we didn't send him to the moon, but we sent him back.)*

Why is the space shuttle beneficial? *It helps us understand our world a little bit better.*

What is speed? *The rate at which something moves*

How would you describe velocity? *Speed with direction.*

How do you graph motion?*Using Distance-Time graphs.
The time would be plotted on the X-axi, the further to the right, the longer amount of time from the start. Distance on the Y-axis, the higher up, the further from the start.*

What is acceleration? *Increasing in speed.*

A horizontal line on a speed- time graph shows* that the speed stays consistent.*

What is a balanced force? *When two equal forces act in opposite directions, it creates balanced force which means the object will stay consistent *

Describe Newton’s First Law of Motion*. A rested object stays at rest, and a moving object stays moving unless changed by an unbalanced force.*

What is static friction?* Friction that keeps an object, that isnt moving, still.*

Define air resistance. * When an object or person is moving the towards the air and the air is moving towards it, it creates a resistance*

In the second law of motion, F=* mass x acceleration.*

How do we find acceleration? **Acceleration is the change in velocity, divided by the time.

What is the third law of motion? *For every action, there is an equal reaction.*

What is a trough? *If the displacement of the medium is minimum at that point, the wave is a trough*
What is a hertz? *The SI unit of frequencies.*

Define refraction.* A light or energy wave being deflected.*

Light waves travel faster through air than* solids.*

The speed of sound varies with *the phase of the medium* in which the wave travels.

The speed of sound changes through different *Properties.*

What is the middle ear?* An air filled area behind the eardrum.*

What determines the brightness of light?* Light intesnity is related to the square of the wave amplitude.*

What are the shortest radio waves? *AM radio waves.*

Electro magnetic waves with the highest energy are *Gamma waves.*

Define transparent and translucent. *Transparent is completely see through and translucent is semi-transparent and can almost be seen through.*

100. Lenses and mirrors are used in a *Reflecting telescope.*

I'm serious. You must be kidding.

To find the order of events on Earth and the age of rocks by examining the position of rocks in rock layers is called ____.