zack is planning to make a flower garden he has 24 one yard sections of fence that he plans to place around garden he wants the garden to be aas long as possible what longest length he can use for the garden how wide will the garden be is this area prerimeter or side length

Not helpful at all 🥱

And idk what the answer to the question is :/

so what is the answer?

Jay, at least she answered the question ;-;

ya what is the answer

PLEASE what the answer people I am stuck ok

c a n y o u r e s p o n d

The answer is clearly 1x11. It is 1x11 because 11+1+11+1=24, 2(12)=24.

And is the longest possible way of doing so.

To determine the longest length Zack can use for the garden, we need to consider how the fence sections can be arranged. Since Zack wants the garden to be as long as possible, he should use all 24 sections to create the length.

Since each fence section is 1 yard long, using all 24 sections will result in a garden that is 24 yards long.

To find out the width of the garden, we need more information. The question doesn't provide any information about the width or any constraints on it. Therefore, we cannot determine the width of the garden with the given information.

It's important to note that the question does not mention any area or perimeter. The focus is on finding the maximum length of the garden and the width, but we cannot determine the area or perimeter without additional information.

1 foot by 11 feet

2 feet by 10 feet
3 feet by 9 feet