b. Larry and Michael scored a total of 48 points in the basketball game. If Michael scored twice the number of points Larry did, how many points did Larry score?

To find out how many points Larry scored, we can set up an equation based on the information given.

Let's say Larry scored x points.

According to the problem, Michael scored twice the number of points Larry did. So, Michael scored 2x points.

The total points scored by Larry and Michael is 48.

Therefore, the equation becomes: x + 2x = 48.

Combining like terms, we get: 3x = 48.

To solve for x, we need to isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

3x/3 = 48/3.

This simplifies to: x = 16.

Thus, Larry scored 16 points.

L = Larry's points

L + 2L = 48