What's 1/3 of 12 Marbles?

What's 2/3 of 12 Marbles?
If 8 Children go on a picnic, 6/8 of them wear jeans. How many wear jeans?

what is 1/3 * 12/1 ?

To calculate 1/3 of 12 marbles, you need to multiply 1/3 by 12. The division sign ("/") represents division in fractions. So, to multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators (top numbers) and the denominators (bottom numbers). In this case, you would calculate:

1/3 * 12/1

Multiplying the numerators gives you 1 * 12, which equals 12. And multiplying the denominators gives you 3 * 1, which is 3. So the full calculation becomes:


Which simplifies to 4. Therefore, 1/3 of 12 marbles is equal to 4 marbles.