Could you please help me with these answers, I'm having serious trouble with this.

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence?
Late last night there was a loud knock at the door.
A. Late last night
B. there was
C. a loud knock
D. at the door

What is the participial phrase in this sentence?
They heard the girl crying softly in the restaurant.
A. They heard
B. the girl
C. crying softly
D. in the restaurant

Read the two sentences.
Danielle reached into her bag. She was looking for her wallet.
Which sentence best combines the two sentences using a participial phrase?
A. Looking for her wallet, Danielle reached in her bag
B. Danielle looking for her wallet reached in her bag.
C. Danielle who was looking for her wallet, reached into her bag.
D. Danielle reached into her bag to find her wallet.

What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence?
After reading about events in World War II, she wanted to visit the Holocaust museum.
A. After reading
B. about events in World War II
C. she wanted
D. to visit the Holocaust musueum

Read the two sentences.
He skis rapidly down the mountain, It makes him excited.
A. He finds it exciting to ski rapidly down the mountain.
B. It makes him excited to ski rapidly down the mountain.
C. To ski rapidly down the mountain is exciting to him
D. Skiing rapidly down the mountain makes him excited.

My answers are D C A D D, am I right?

Yes, they're right.

On all of them?


Sure! Let's go through each question and find the correct answers together.

1. What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence?
Late last night there was a loud knock at the door.
A. Late last night
B. there was
C. a loud knock
D. at the door

To identify the prepositional phrase, you need to look for a preposition and the noun or pronoun that follows it. In this sentence, the prepositional phrase is "at the door" because "at" is the preposition and "the door" is the noun phrase that follows it. So, the answer is D. at the door.

2. What is the participial phrase in this sentence?
They heard the girl crying softly in the restaurant.
A. They heard
B. the girl
C. crying softly
D. in the restaurant

A participial phrase consists of a participle (a word ending in -ing or -ed) and any modifiers or complements. In this sentence, the participial phrase is "crying softly" because "crying" is the participle, and "softly" is an adverb modifying the participle. So, the answer is C. crying softly.

3. Read the two sentences.
Danielle reached into her bag. She was looking for her wallet.
Which sentence best combines the two sentences using a participial phrase?
A. Looking for her wallet, Danielle reached in her bag
B. Danielle looking for her wallet reached in her bag.
C. Danielle who was looking for her wallet, reached into her bag.
D. Danielle reached into her bag to find her wallet.

To combine the two sentences using a participial phrase, we need to find a way to modify "Danielle" with a participle. The most suitable choice would be A. "Looking for her wallet, Danielle reached in her bag." This sentence uses the present participle "looking" to modify Danielle and indicates the reason for reaching into her bag.

4. What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence?
After reading about events in World War II, she wanted to visit the Holocaust museum.
A. After reading
B. about events in World War II
C. she wanted
D. to visit the Holocaust museum

An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive (to + verb) and any modifiers or complements. In this sentence, the infinitive phrase is "to visit the Holocaust museum" because "to visit" is the infinitive, and "the Holocaust museum" is the noun phrase that follows it. So, the answer is D. to visit the Holocaust museum.

5. Read the two sentences.
He skis rapidly down the mountain. It makes him excited.
A. He finds it exciting to ski rapidly down the mountain.
B. It makes him excited to ski rapidly down the mountain.
C. To ski rapidly down the mountain is exciting to him.
D. Skiing rapidly down the mountain makes him excited.

To combine the two sentences using an appropriate phrase, we need to find a connection between skiing rapidly and excitement. The best choice would be D. "Skiing rapidly down the mountain makes him excited." This sentence uses the gerund "skiing" (a verb form ending in -ing used as a noun) to express the action of skiing and its effect on him.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.