Does overhaul and remodel essentially mean the same thing?

Not necessarily.

Look up the words.

No, "overhaul" and "remodel" may seem similar, but they have distinct meanings.

- Overhaul: This refers to a thorough examination, repair, or renovation of something, typically involving a complex system or machinery. It often involves disassembling, inspecting, and replacing worn-out or faulty components to restore functionality.

- Remodel: This term relates to making changes or alterations to the structure or appearance of something, such as a building or room. It involves modifying the layout, design, or style to improve aesthetics or functionality, while not necessarily involving extensive repair or replacement of components.

To better understand their differences, here's a step-by-step guide on how to find definitions:

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. Type "define overhaul" into the search bar.
3. Look for reliable sources like dictionaries or reputable websites to get the definition.
4. Repeat the process, replacing "overhaul" with "remodel" to find the definition of "remodel."

By comparing the definitions, you will see that while both terms involve making changes or improvements, their specific focus and extent vary. Always consult authoritative sources to ensure accuracy.