Why do Deaf people educated in Deaf Industries or Deaf schools tend to bond so closely with one another

because they all use Signed English to Communicate
because so many social events are based around school***
because all of their parents are Deaf
because they all use cochlear implants

Deaf people educated in Deaf industries or schools tend to bond closely with one another due to several factors. One possible reason is that they all use Signed English to communicate. Signed English is a form of sign language that combines elements of American Sign Language (ASL) with English grammar and vocabulary. By using Signed English, they can effectively communicate and understand each other, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

Another reason may be that many social events and activities are based around their school or educational institutions. These events provide opportunities for Deaf individuals to interact, socialize, and build relationships with one another. This shared bond through common experiences and activities can strengthen their connections and friendships.

It's important to note that not all Deaf individuals have Deaf parents, so the notion that they bond because all their parents are Deaf may not always be true. However, having Deaf parents can contribute to a sense of shared experience and understanding within the Deaf community.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that not all Deaf individuals use cochlear implants. While cochlear implants can enhance hearing abilities for some Deaf people, it is not the sole determinant of bonding among Deaf individuals.

In conclusion, Deaf people educated in Deaf industries or schools tend to bond closely with one another due to their shared use of Signed English, participation in social events centered around their school, and the potential for shared experiences such as having Deaf parents. Cochlear implants, although used by some Deaf individuals, are not a determining factor in the close bonding typically observed in this community.

that answer is correct