Rewrite each degree measuring in radians and each radian measure in degrees. 324˚


π radians = 180°


To rewrite 324˚ in radians, we need to use the conversion factor that states there are π radians in 180 degrees.

First, we'll convert 324˚ to radians:

1. Multiply 324˚ by the conversion factor:

324˚ * (π radians / 180˚) = (324π / 180) radians

Now, let's simplify it:

2. Divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (which is 36 in this case):

(9π / 5) radians

So, 324˚ is equivalent to (9π / 5) radians.

To rewrite each radian measure in degrees, we'll use the reverse conversion factor, which states that there are 180 degrees in π radians.

Using the same steps as before, we'll convert a radian measure to degrees:

1. Multiply the radian measure by the conversion factor:

radian measure * (180˚ / π radians)

For example, to convert (9π / 5) radians to degrees:

(9π / 5) radians * (180˚ / π radians) = (9 * 180 / 5)˚

Now, let's simplify it:

2. Calculate the multiplication and division:

(1620 / 5)˚ = 324˚

So, (9π / 5) radians is equivalent to 324˚.