using implicit differentiation find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the following function at the indicated point x^2 y^3 -y^2+xy-1=0 at (1,1)

x^2(3y^2dy) + 2x dx(y^3) - 2ydy +xdy + dx y = 0

dy (3x^2y^2-2y +x) +dx(2xy^3+y)=0

dy (3-2+1) + dx (2+1) = 0

2 dy = -3dx

m = slope = dy/dx = -3/2

so y = -3/2 x + b
1 = -3/2 + b

b = 5/2

so y = -3/2 x + 5/2
2 y = -3 x + 5

To find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the function at a given point using implicit differentiation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x, treating y as a function of x.

The given equation is:
x^2 y^3 - y^2 + xy - 1 = 0

Differentiating both sides with respect to x:
d/dx(x^2 y^3 - y^2 + xy - 1) = d/dx(0)
2xy^3 + x^2 * 3y^2(dy/dx) - 2y(dy/dx) + x + y = 0

Step 2: Substitute the coordinates of the given point (1, 1) into the differentiated equation.

Substituting x = 1 and y = 1 into the equation:
2(1)(1^3) + (1^2)(3)(1^2)(dy/dx) - 2(1)(dy/dx) + 1 + 1 = 0
2 + 3(dy/dx) - 2(dy/dx) + 2 = 0

Simplifying the equation:
3(dy/dx) - 2(dy/dx) = -4
(dy/dx) = -4

Step 3: Using the derivative dy/dx, find the slope of the tangent line at the given point.

The slope of the tangent line at the point (1, 1) is -4.

Step 4: Use the point-slope form of a line to find the equation of the tangent line.

The point-slope form of a line is: y - y1 = m(x - x1), where (x1, y1) is the given point and m is the slope.

Using the point (1, 1) and the slope -4:
y - 1 = -4(x - 1)

Expanding and rearranging the equation:
y - 1 = -4x + 4
y = -4x + 5

Therefore, the equation of the tangent line to the graph of the function at the point (1, 1) is y = -4x + 5.