Kelly is constantly tattling on her classmates. This could be due to her age and the fact that she is very concerned about rules, or it could be due to a need for:

a. Power
b. acceptance
c. revenge
d. attention
I think it is d, attention

I agree.

But couldn't it also be a need for power?

I think it could be a need for power as well.

I lean toward power, but I have no idea what the test maker had in mind.

Good luck! :-)

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze each one:

a. Power: This suggests that Kelly might be tattling to assert control or dominance over her classmates. However, there is no specific indication in the question that she seeks power.

b. Acceptance: This implies that Kelly may tattle in an attempt to fit in with her classmates or gain their approval. While this could be a possible reason, there is no direct evidence in the question to support this.

c. Revenge: This suggests that Kelly might be tattling as a form of retaliation or to get back at her classmates for something they have done to her. Again, there is no clear indication of revenge-seeking behavior in the question.

d. Attention: You mentioned that you think Kelly's tattling behavior might be due to a need for attention. This means she may be seeking acknowledgement, recognition, or validation from her actions. This could include wanting teachers, adults, or her classmates to notice her. The fact that she is consistently tattling could be a sign of her craving attention.

Based on the given information, it seems that option d, attention, is the most likely explanation for why Kelly is constantly tattling on her classmates. However, let's consider that there may be other factors or motivations contributing to her behavior that aren't explicitly mentioned in the question.