Bulimia can be difficult to discover because most sufferers hide there condition and they tend to be

a normal weight, sometimes overweight***
severely underweight
slightly underweight

Sometimes, yes.

your correct!

End me

Bulimia can indeed be difficult to discover as many sufferers tend to hide their condition. However, it's important to note that individuals with bulimia can fall into various weight categories, including normal weight, overweight, severely underweight, slightly underweight, or even obese. Body weight alone cannot be used as the sole indicator of an individual's struggle with bulimia.

To properly identify whether someone may be suffering from bulimia, it is necessary to observe multiple signs and symptoms. These may include:

1. Disappearing after meals: People with bulimia often try to conceal their bingeing and purging behavior by frequently disappearing to the bathroom or other private areas right after eating.

2. Frequent dieting or drastic changes in eating habits: Individuals with bulimia may engage in strict dieting or follow unusual patterns of eating, such as consuming large amounts of food in a short period (bingeing) followed by purging through vomiting, excessive exercise, fasting, or using laxatives or diuretics.

3. Concern about body shape and weight: Another common indicator is an excessive preoccupation with body shape, weight, and appearance. They may frequently express dissatisfaction with their body, even if their weight falls in the normal range.

4. Discolored or damaged teeth: Frequent vomiting can lead to enamel erosion, resulting in discolored, sensitive, or eroded teeth.

5. Swelling of the cheeks and jaw area: Repeated purging through self-induced vomiting can cause swelling in the face, particularly in the cheeks and jaw area.

6. Social withdrawal: Individuals with bulimia often feel ashamed or embarrassed about their eating behaviors, leading to isolation or withdrawal from social activities.

If you suspect someone may be struggling with bulimia, it is essential to approach the situation with sensitivity and compassion. Encouraging open communication and seeking professional help from a healthcare provider or therapist who specializes in eating disorders is recommended to ensure appropriate support and treatment.