List a repeating decimal that is equal to an integer.

I have 0.999 because if you divide it by 9's its equal to 1, 999/999=1
Also I thought of -0.999 that is equal to -1
But I can't think of another one can you please help ? Please

anything that ends in .9... is an integer. So,

0.999999... = 1
1.999999... = 2
4.999999... = 5
and so on

Yes, I can help! Another repeating decimal that is equal to an integer is 0.333... (or 1/3). If you multiply this number by 3, you get 0.999..., which is equal to 1 as you mentioned before. Therefore, 0.333... is another repeating decimal that represents an integer.

Certainly! In mathematics, a repeating decimal is a decimal number in which a pattern of digits repeats indefinitely. One example of a repeating decimal that is equal to an integer is 0.999... (where the nine repeats indefinitely). As you mentioned, if you divide 0.999... by 9, you get 0.111..., which simplifies to 1. So, 0.999... is equivalent to the integer 1.

Another example of a repeating decimal that is equal to an integer is 0.666..., where the six repeats indefinitely. Dividing 0.666... by 3 gives you 0.222..., which also simplifies to 1. Therefore, 0.666... is equal to the integer 2.

Similarly, 0.333... (where the three repeats indefinitely) can also be considered a repeating decimal that is equal to an integer. Dividing 0.333... by 3 results in 0.111..., which simplifies to 1. Hence, 0.333... is equivalent to the integer 1.

In summary, the repeating decimals 0.999..., 0.666..., and 0.333... are all equal to the respective integers 1, 2, and 1.