Is it possible to have a semiregular tessellation using 2 pentagons and 4 decagons?

To determine whether it is possible to have a semiregular tessellation using 2 pentagons and 4 decagons, we need to consider the properties of these polygons and the rules for tessellations.

A semiregular tessellation is a tessellation where two or more types of regular polygons are used to fill the plane, and the arrangement of these polygons at each vertex is the same. In other words, each vertex must have the same pattern of polygons meeting.

To form a valid semiregular tessellation, the sum of angles meeting at each vertex must be equal to 360 degrees. This is known as the vertex angle sum theorem.

Let's calculate the sum of angles for the given polygons and see if they satisfy the conditions:

- A regular pentagon has an interior angle of 108 degrees since (n-2) * 180 / n = (5-2) * 180 / 5 = 108 degrees.
- A regular decagon has an interior angle of 144 degrees since (n-2) * 180 / n = (10-2) * 180 / 10 = 144 degrees.

Now, using this information, let's calculate the sum of angles at a vertex for the given combination of 2 pentagons and 4 decagons:

(2 * 108) + (4 * 144) = 216 + 576 = 792 degrees.

Since the sum of angles at a vertex in this combination is 792 degrees, which is greater than the required 360 degrees, it is not possible to form a semiregular tessellation using 2 pentagons and 4 decagons.

In summary, based on the calculations, it is not possible to have a semiregular tessellation using 2 pentagons and 4 decagons because the sum of angles at a vertex in this combination exceeds 360 degrees.