A visually engaging image representative of Spain's film and television industry. Show a pair of prominent film festival symbols and an illustration of a Goya award trophy. The image should also include a representation of a regional television station indicative of Spain, and a tribute to significant accomplishments in the literary field, symbolizing Emilia Pardo Bazan's contributions. Remember, the image should contain no text.

22. Name two spanish film festivals with at least one fact about each.

23. Discuss the purpose of regional television in espana
24. what is a goya award and why is it significant
25. Briefly discuss emilia pardo bazan's most notable accomplishments.
Can someone please help??

Wow yall are pathetic, I know I'm a bit late but to anyone else looking for the answers here they are:

1. Festival de cine de San Sebastian and Festival Internacional de Cine Fantastico are 2 festivals.

2. The purpose of regional television is to promote the language, traditions, and culture of Espana.

3. The Goya award is an award for the best works of Spanish cinema and its an important award.

4. Emilia Pardo Bazan is considered to be the best Spanish novelist in the 19th century. She proved women can do everything men can.

I hope I helped anyone who actually wants to know the answers and doesn't come on a homework help page and 1) doesn't help & 2) cusses everyone out. Have a great day yall :)

Here's what I put if anyone wants to go into detail. (Make sure you switch some things up so you're not plagiarized)

A U.S. soap opera and a telenovela are the same because of the drama and romance, but a telenovela usually ends the story whilst a soap opera doesn't and it continues on in seasons.

The San Sebastián International Film Festival used to be only for Spanish films, but they shortly became an international festival. The Animadrid Festival occurs in Madrid but it also commemorates the genre of animated films.

Regional television is there to help maintain the language, culture, and traditions of each region. (You can add more if you wish)

A Goya award honors filmmakers and it was named after Spanish painter Francisco de Goya. The first Goya Awards were held in 1987 and it was there to acknowledge any of the best films in España.

Emilia is a gallega writer from La Coruña, Galicia, who is in España. She was born in the mid 19th century and she was also the first woman to be awarded the honor of a chair at the University of Central Madrid. It's unfortunate because she was still declined the honor of being the first woman to be a member of the Real Academia Española because of the fact she happened to be a woman.

Thanks Skyler :))

p.s. if ya'll are gonna imitate mrs. sue, you gotta do it right lmao.

respect Skylar!!

yo skylar u a life saver and i totally feel u

Thank you, Chip Skylar.

There really be some hate on these pages sometimes lol


yall be careful using these answers its best to take the meat of them and add on because its so easy to get caught if you take the information directly

Thanks everybody