Barber has a rectangle Shaped mouse pad.the longest side of the mouse pad is 8 inches and the shortest side is 3 inches what is the perimeter and areas of the mouse pad.

Perimeter = 2L + 2S

Area = L*S

To find the perimeter of the mouse pad, you can use the formula: P = 2(length + width). The length of the mouse pad is given as 8 inches, and the width as 3 inches.

So, the perimeter of the mouse pad can be calculated as follows:
P = 2(8 + 3)
P = 2(11)
P = 22 inches

To find the area of the mouse pad, you can use the formula: A = length × width.

So, the area of the mouse pad can be calculated as follows:
A = 8 × 3
A = 24 square inches

Therefore, the perimeter of the mouse pad is 22 inches and the area is 24 square inches.