ways that human rights violation influences individuals, groups and broader south African community

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ways that the human rights violations influences individuals, groups and the broader south Africa community

Well,it basically depends on the human right that has been violated.For example if people are not awarded their basic right to water,they'll starve and and they may start protests against the authority(government).And if more and more human rights and violated the would not be peace in communities.People will lose faith,and this may also cause a drift between citizens.There also may be lack of partnership in the corporate world,more especially if the is inequality.

I think it all depends on the right violated for eg of the right violated is the right to adequate shelter it may influence the high growth rate of informal settlements which will lead to high polution rate,high rate of diseases which will affect the authorities (government) economically abd the south african community will suffer because more money will be used to give those people medication and the gdp will increase which may lead to migration and many more

Most people will die in that moment..because they argue

It will increase death in our country

Six ways in which Human Rights Violation influence individual

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Three examples of human rights violation