these lines of dialogue from the dairy of anne frank, act 1 reveal a lot about anne's character. In the paragraph , explain at least two things that you find out about anne's personality from her words.

can someone start me out please im not good at essays

anne is learning that not everyone is bad and she felt bad for what she had done to mr.durssel

She's mischievous, but repentant.

Well idk because the dialogue that was given is "Every night i think back over all this i did that day were putting that wet mop in mr.dussel's bed...and this thing now with mother. i say to myself, that was wrong. i make up my mind, im never going to do that agian Never! Of course i may do something worse... but at least i'll never do that again!...I have a nicer side,Father...a sweeter,nicer side. BUt im scared to show it. Im afraid that people are going to laugh at me if im serious."

Idk what to Wright

Sure! To analyze Anne's character based on her dialogue in Act 1 of "The Diary of Anne Frank," you can start by selecting a few lines that stand out to you. Let's take a look at a couple of examples:

1. "I want to be useful to myself and to the world!" This line reveals Anne's aspiration to contribute and make a difference in the world. It shows her desire for significance and purpose beyond her immediate circumstances. This suggests that Anne is a forward-thinking individual who seeks personal growth and has a strong sense of responsibility.

2. "I keep my ideals because, in spite of everything, I still believe that people are truly good at heart." This line demonstrates Anne's optimistic and hopeful nature. Despite facing immense challenges and living through a time of great darkness and danger, Anne chooses to hold onto a belief in the inherent goodness of people. This reveals her resilience and determination to maintain a positive outlook, even when surrounded by negativity.

To expand on these points in your essay, you can delve deeper into the context of these lines, discuss their significance in relation to the plot, and provide relevant examples that illustrate Anne's personality traits. Remember to support your analysis with evidence from the text, embracing the opportunity to explore how Anne's character develops throughout the play.

What do you want to say about Anne's personality?