1.) How did Bush v. Gore affect national politics?

a.) It called for the beginning of a lengthy recount in the state f Flordia.

b.) It questioned the validity of George W. Bush's Election as president. ****

c.) The supreme court awarded Florida's votes to Al Gore, causing the race to become a tie.

d.) It essentially declared George W. Bush the winner of 2000 presidential election.

2.) The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, led to

a.) Economic sanctions against Saudi Arabia.
b.) The United States's serving relations with Isreal.
c.) A major shift in American foreign policy. ***
d.) A decrease in the federal budget deficit.

3.) During the early 21st century, what was the largest minority group in the United States?

a.) African Americans ***
b.) Asians
c.) American Indians
d.) Lations

That depends upon whether you're asking about racial minority or ethnic minority.

What is d?



Your answers to questions 1 and 2 are correct. I agree with Ms. Sue on question #3 and have reposted the link so that it is live for you.

1.) How did Bush v. Gore affect national politics?

b.) It questioned the validity of George W. Bush's Election as president.

2.) The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, led to

c.) A major shift in American foreign policy.

3.) During the early 21st century, what was the largest minority group in the United States?

a.) African Americans

To answer these questions and understand the explanations behind them, you need to analyze the options presented and select the correct answer based on the information given. Let's break down each question and go through the options provided.

1.) How did Bush v. Gore affect national politics?

The correct option that accurately describes the impact of Bush v. Gore on national politics is:

b.) It questioned the validity of George W. Bush's Election as president.

Explanation: Bush v. Gore refers to the Supreme Court case that arose from the contested 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. This case impacted national politics because it called into question the legitimacy of Bush's election as president. The Supreme Court's ruling in favor of Bush effectively ended the recount process in the state of Florida, thus solidifying his victory and awarding him the presidency.

2.) The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, led to

The correct option that accurately describes the impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack is:

c.) A major shift in American foreign policy.

Explanation: The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, also known as 9/11, had a significant impact on American society and politics. The attack led to a major shift in American foreign policy, characterized by increased focus on counter-terrorism efforts, the initiation of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security. It also had far-reaching consequences on civil liberties, immigration policy, and international relations.

3.) During the early 21st century, what was the largest minority group in the United States?

The correct option that accurately states the largest minority group in the early 21st century is:

a.) African Americans.

Explanation: The largest minority group in the United States during the early 21st century was African Americans. This demographic group has a long history within the country, dating back to slavery and the Civil Rights Movement, and continues to actively contribute to American politics, culture, and society today. Other minority groups such as Asians, American Indians, and Latinos, also play important roles in American society but were not the largest in this particular timeframe.