5.)why would americans free states want slaves state to remain part of the united states as opposed to just letting them leave the union?

A.)Federal trade laws, unequal taxation, and slavery
B.)Cotton processing, the slave trade, and the federal banking system
C.)Slavery, self-government, high tariffs, & an agricultural way of life
D.)Judicial appointments, self-government, trade with europe, &increased manufacturing

This set of choices doesn't seem to match the question. None of the choices is a reason why the free states wanted to preserve the union.

This set of choices doesn't seem to match the question. None of the choices is a reason why the free states wanted to preserve the union.

The correct answer to the question is C.) Slavery, self-government, high tariffs, and an agricultural way of life.

To understand why some Americans in free states would want slave states to remain part of the United States rather than letting them leave the union, we need to consider the factors mentioned in option C.

1. Slavery: Slavery was a crucial issue during that time period, and it played a significant role in the economy and social structure of the slave states. The slaveholders in these states heavily relied on the institution of slavery for their agricultural production, particularly in the cultivation of cash crops such as cotton and tobacco. The existence of slave states allowed for the continuation of slavery, which was seen as vital to their economic prosperity.

2. Self-Government: Many Americans in free states valued the idea of a united country where states could govern themselves but still remain part of a larger union. They believed that the division of the United States would weaken the federal government and potentially lead to the disintegration of the country as a whole. Preserving the union was seen as essential for maintaining stability and preventing potential conflicts between states.

3. High Tariffs: Another factor was the issue of tariffs, which were taxes on imported goods. The federal government had the power to impose tariffs, and these tariffs often benefited the industries in the free states, which were more industrialized and reliant on manufacturing. By keeping slave states within the union, supporters of tariffs in free states could ensure that their industries would have access to the valuable Southern market for their manufactured goods.

4. Agricultural Way of Life: The slave states primarily relied on agriculture, and their economies were heavily invested in plantations and the production of crops. Southern plantation owners felt that leaving the union would lead to economic ruin, as they relied on the Northern states for various goods, including manufactured products and services. Remaining part of the United States provided them with access to Northern markets and resources.

By considering these factors, we can understand why Americans in free states would want slave states to remain part of the United States instead of letting them secede from the union. It was a complex issue that involved economic, social, and political considerations surrounding slavery, self-government, high tariffs, and an agricultural way of life.