the brown family boarded a train at 3:55 P.M. to go home from the county fair. it took them 25 minutes to get to the train station from the fair. they spent 75 minutes at the fair. what time did they arrive at the fair

3:55 +25 minutes =4:20

To determine the arrival time at the fair, we need to subtract the total time spent at the fair and the time taken to reach the train station from the departure time.

Departure time: 3:55 P.M.
Time taken to reach the train station: 25 minutes
Time spent at the fair: 75 minutes

To calculate the arrival time at the fair, we need to subtract the total time (100 minutes) from the departure time:
3:55 P.M. - 100 minutes

Let's convert the departure time to minutes:
3:55 P.M. = (3 * 60) + 55 = 215 minutes

Now, subtract 100 minutes from the departure time:
215 minutes - 100 minutes = 115 minutes

To convert the total minutes back into hours and minutes, we divide by 60:
115 minutes ÷ 60 = 1 hour and 55 minutes

Therefore, the brown family arrived at the fair at:
3:55 P.M. - 1 hour and 55 minutes = 2:00 P.M.

To determine what time the Brown family arrived at the fair, you need to subtract the total time it took them to reach the train station from the time they boarded the train.

First, let's calculate the total time it took them to reach the train station and the fair.

The Brown family spent 75 minutes at the fair and an additional 25 minutes to get to the train station.

So, the total time spent before boarding the train is 75 minutes (at the fair) + 25 minutes (travel time to the train station) = 100 minutes.

Now, since they boarded the train at 3:55 P.M., you need to subtract the 100 minutes from that time.

To do this, convert the 3:55 P.M. time to minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 3:55 P.M. would be 3 hours * 60 minutes/hour + 55 minutes = 180 minutes + 55 minutes = 235 minutes.

Now, subtract the 100 minutes from 235 minutes: 235 minutes - 100 minutes = 135 minutes.

Finally, convert the remaining minutes back to hours and minutes.

135 minutes = 2 hours * 60 minutes/hour + 15 minutes = 2:15 P.M.

Therefore, the Brown family arrived at the fair at 2:15 P.M.