sherry ran one lap in 83.86 seconds, while della's time for one lap was 837/8 seconds. which runner had the faster time?

837/8 is more than 100 seconds so della is much slower

To compare the times of Sherry and Della, let's convert Della's time to decimal form:

Della's time for one lap = 837/8 seconds

To convert the fraction to decimal form, divide the numerator by the denominator:

Della's time for one lap = 837 ÷ 8 seconds
= 104.625 seconds (approx.)

Now that we have both times in decimal form:

Sherry's time for one lap = 83.86 seconds
Della's time for one lap = 104.625 seconds

Comparing both times, we can see that Sherry has the faster time since 83.86 seconds is less than 104.625 seconds.

To determine which runner had the faster time, we need to compare the lap times of Sherry and Della.

Sherry's lap time is stated directly as 83.86 seconds.

On the other hand, Della's lap time is given as 837/8 seconds. To compare both times, we need to convert Della's time into decimal form.

To convert 837/8 seconds into decimal form, divide 837 by 8:
837 ÷ 8 = 104.625

Therefore, Della's lap time in decimal form is approximately 104.625 seconds.

Comparing the two lap times, we see that Sherry's lap time of 83.86 seconds is faster than Della's lap time of approximately 104.625 seconds.

Therefore, Sherry had the faster lap time.